Bushwillow Books – A publishing house

Bushwillow Books is a proudly South African publishing house. We started Bushwillow Books based on the conviction that children require high quality, fun and engaging content that speaks to their lived, diverse experiences. We produce children’s literature and educational content that nurtures a confident, strong, intelligent, well-balanced, happy child. We set up Bushwillow Books officially in the second half of 2020, and published our first book at the start of 2021. We sell our products directly to the public through our online store, as well as wholesale to retailers.

Our Values

At Bushwillow Books, we value:

  • Nurturing an Islamic ethos
  • Producing work that is truthful
  • Telling narratives that fascinate
  • Creating art that captivates
  • Delivering content that educates
  • Manufacturing products of an exceptional quality
  • And implementing ethical, sustainable and developmental business practices

Our Origins

We have always been avid readers and lovers of books. It was as natural as turning a page in a book to write a story for our son. We wanted to write a story that reflected our identities. A story that was filled with all the mystery and magic of adventure that should be part of every girl’s and boy’s childhood. What started off as imagining and sharing bedtime tales with our son, grew into a printed book and then a publishing house.

– Ml. Muhammad Kola & Fatima Ragie

Our Vison

As a publishing house, we see a future ahead to publish diverse books and other educational content that speak to the diverse experiences of children. With an emphasis on originality, fun, inspiration and quality, we hope to deliver books that people of all ages will love and treasure. Our first project at hand is to continue with our #AbuUbaidahSeries. Time to get writing!

Our Team

Ml. Muhammad Kola
Director and Content Creator
Traditional Islamic scholar | Economist (MCom candidate, UJ) | Educator (Houghton Muslim Academy | Father | Johannesburg

Fatima Ragie
Director and Editor
Environmental scientist (MSc, Wits) | Instructional designer | Researcher | Lecturer at Wits Digital Campus | Mother | Johannesburg

Ayesha Jacub
Art Director
Medical Doctor (MBBCh, Wits | Global Health Policy analyst |Self-taught Artist | Mother | Istanbul  read more about Ayesha Jacub